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Room painted, potato salad made… other things.

On Memorial day we finally got that bedroom painted. Yay! There are still some touchups that need to be done, but I’m already amazed at how great it looks. We’re not entirely sure whether we’ll make that into our bedroom again, and now that I know how great a room can look after being painted I’m quite tempted to tackle the second bedroom rather than just touching up the paint. We’ll see.

We also got out to the grocery store, and I finally got an onion, which I required for my potato salad, also picked up more potatoes, since the previous ones had molded. So yesterday I was able to start my potato salad. I used the following recipe:

2-5 pounds of potatoes (depending on how much salad you wish to make)
1 cup cider vinegar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 small onion (finely chopped)
2 teaspoon sugar
Mayonaise to taste

1. Simmer potatoes until fully cooked but not to the point that they fall apart.

2. Mix cider vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, onion, and sugar for marinade.

3. Peel and slice potatoes while still warm and soak in marinade for 12 to 24 hours.

4. Just prior to serving, drain excess marinade, and stir in mayonaise to taste (a tablespoon of milk will help smooth out the mayonaise)

I ended up using about 3.5 pounds of potatoes, and didn’t add black pepper because we don’t have any (nope, not even in a pepper shaker). My parents used to make a few batches each summer, I remember peeling and slicing the hot potatoes when I was younger. Well they don’t get any easier to peel! The skin comes off easy enough, but they are hot to handle, and you need to peel them when they are warm so the marinade gets soaked into them the way I want it to.

This morning the potato salad was finished marinading, so I was able to put add the mayonaise. I had some for lunch, yum! I am very pleased with it. And it still gives me heartburn, just like I remember. I definately made too much for just the two of us.

I’ll need to keep this recipe in mind for next month when we have our lan party (shooting for July 3rd btw). And deviled eggs, now that I know the secret to my mother’s (using brown mustard rather than yellow).

My next cooking project will probably be a cake. I’m actually quite a good baker (used to make cookies, brownies and cakes from scratch), but our oven is an old (from the 1970s) gas oven, and the temperatures are a bit off, honestly baking anything more sensitive than chocolate chip cookies scares me.

After finishing up the potato salad I decided to clean the kitchen floor. I usually mop it every week or so, but that didn’t seem to be getting it clean enough. So I spent a little over an hour scrubbing the entire thing. Caligula watched me do most of it, he seemed quite interested until he’d get too close and his paws would get wet. Unfortunately when I finished (with a bit of an aching back) I realized that it wasn’t terribly noticable. Ah! Oh well, at least I know it’s clean.

Caligula has gotten much bigger. I looked through the pictures of just a couple months ago, and oh my he’s grown! He’s all cat sized now. I got a quick picture of him sitting on the chair near my desk this morning.

*wanders off to pay bills*