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This past weekend.

Well I was hardly online at all this weekend. Michael had a bunch of work to do on both Saturday and Sunday and we had a bunch of errands to run. Saturday morning I gave the vet a call because Caligula had a bit of a cough. We figured it was from the medication at first, but I was quite worried because watching a kitty cough is so sad %( The vet asked us to bring him in that afternoon, so at 2pm we were in the vet’s office. We were also a bit concerned because it seemed like he actually had physical difficulty keeping food in his mouth to chew it. So the vet took a look at him, and it seems he must have caught a cold from one of the animals when he went in for surgery earlier in the week. She also discovered that he’s teething! Poor guy, what a week! He’s on some antibiotics for the cough and it seems to be clearing up.

After taking him to the vet, we decided to go out to the mall because Michael and I needed some clothes. A bunch of stores were having big sales, so we picked up a few things we didn’t plan on, and Michael got me a copy of Brother Bear, yay! I ended up getting a bit of a headache from standing near the cologne in Strawbridges for too long. We decided to drop by CompUSA to look at wireless NICs for my laptop. We figure we can wait around until spoofee has a wireless router for a reasonable price. So until then my laptop is still offline, which makes it rather useless since I can’t move files to and from it. We figured we’d look for a wired NIC while we were there… and it seems they didn’t have any. CrapUSA. My head was bothering me a bit more, so we hopped over to Barnes & Noble to get a couple White Chocolate Mochas, mmm. I picked up a copy of Friday to replace the copy of ‘s that Caligula ate. Then went into Michael’s work for about half an hour so Michael could do some physical work on some boxes. It wasn’t until after 9 that we left and headed home, on the drive home my headache came back pretty badly, when we finally got home I took some advil and crawled in bed. Michael made us some Boca Pizzas, and by the time they were ready my headache had subsided a bit and we sat down and started to watch Brother Bear, then Dr Who.

Yesterday was pretty slow, I got about halfway through The Secret Of Life by Paul McAuley which is turning out to be a great book, nice mix of science and science fiction (it’s written by a biologist). I’ll definately have to read more of his stuff in the future. I also picked up The Metaphyscial Club again, the first two (of five) parts were really great and a breezed through them, getting into the civil war, and science in the 1900s, but these last 3 parts are pretty deep with philosophy and sociology that I know very little about, so it’s a lot to take in. Still interesting though.

We did some grocery shopping then came home and had some baked potatoes for dinner. Then sat down and watched Brother Bear with Tuke and Rutt’s commentary (the moose, voiced by Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis respectively), it was pretty funny %) And watched lots of bonus features, yay!

Today has been a nice day, I think I’ll go for a walk. *wanders off*