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Beans, friends and OS projects.

I went outside yesterday afternoon to check the mail and when I was coming in I was distracted by my veggie garden. It had veggies growing in it!

Green beans!

So I decided to pick some.

I was pretty surprised with how well they had grown, considering that all I had really done to nuture the beans was plant the seeds and do a little weeding. The cucumbers are growing too, not large enough to pick yet, but I figure in about a week ago they’ll be ready.

Now that we had lots of fresh beans, we decided that we should have a yummie fresh veggie dinner. Then called and suggested we do a bit of a pot luck dinner. So we invited them over for an evening dinner.

Since we had most of the afternoon to kill we decided that it’d be good to start painting the spare bedroom. We were able to get the first coat on in a little over an hour. We’ll probably finish that up today, then I can spend Monday doing final touches. We’re pretty sure now that we want to turn that room into a “media” room, with the TV in there, a computer that will be able to play movies from our network on our TV, maybe pick up a couple loveseats.

So we finished up painting, got cleaned up and started making our part of the dinner. Michael headed out to Limerick to the Dutch Oven Bakery, which has amazingly yummie baked foods. Everything came together nicely around 6pm for them to arrive. They brought some super yummie turkey enchiladas (which I definately need to get the recipe for). We had a nice evening with them, ended up driving out to Sellersville in N-Tropy’s new car (which has an mp3 player!) to see a house they are putting a bid on, it’s beautiful! Hopefully they’ll be able to buy it %)

After talking with N-Tropy, I once again had my interest sparked by NetFlix. We don’t watch a whole lot of TV (and don’t have cable), but many nights it’d just be nice to relax and watch a movie. Blockbuster is so expensive, renting is a pain (always busy), bringing movies back is a pain. I think $22/month might actually be quite reasonable for NetFlix.

In other news, the documentation that I wrote up for Bitlbee was accepted, yay! It’s now in their -devel version (as of 20040710), and I get to be in a CREDITS file. Please excuse my geeky excitement %) It’s pretty neat to be involved in a project like this, even if my contribution is only the documentation sort, I really should get more involved in other projects. This week I’m definately going to emmerse myself in all things XML.

*wanders off*