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Cats are fine, weekend stuff, books..

Cargo Kitty and Caligula seem to have sorted out their differences as the weekend progressed. They still scared each other from time to time, but they never hurt each other and seemed to even be calm while in the same room. At one point they were both sitting on the couch with me (Caligula glaring at me with his green eyes while I patted Cargo). Neither of the cats stopped eating, or had any troubles sharing a litter box. This makes me very hopeful if we someday decide to get another pet, Caligula seems able to adjust well. He’s such a perfect little kitty, I’m so happy we have him! Oh and I put more pictures in the gallery of Caligula and Cargo, here.

Michael got half the roof patched this weekend. It rained all day Sunday without any more noticable leakage on that side, and we’re waiting for the forecasted heavy thunderstorms later this week to see if the patching job works, I’m hopeful! While Michael was on the roof fixing things, I was on the porch getting tools and holding the ladder when he needed me to.. and while I wasn’t busy doing that I had my nose in the paperback copy of Angels & Demons that let me borrow. I could hardly put that book down! It was exciting and interesting and I finished it in 2 days. On sunday I started reading The Da Vinci Code, I’m halfway through it.

Today I spent most of the morning cleaning, Cargo kitty sheds so much more than Caligula does! I made some egg salad for lunch, it’s been a while since I had egg salad… I think I added too much mustard to it. It was tastey anyway. While at the grocery store this weekend we picked up ingredients to make lasagne, so I’ll probably make some of that this week. Oh, and we got some baking pans! Somehow we didn’t own any, which decreased the amount of things I could make, now I have all sorts of baked meals I can consider %)

*wanders off*