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gpg, writing documentation, brushing up websites, munch’s site

These past couple days have been pretty productive computer wise, which is good because it’s been too hot to do much around the house.

I got GPG set up and working nicely with mutt yesterday afternoon. I had tackled this about 8 months ago, learning lots about GPG, but then we moved our mail and I never got around to setting it up again and learning more. Well after a few snags and a 45 minute “Help!” session with we were able to figure out any problems and questions I had. Seems I have only signed one key too, I should go to a keysigning sometime.

After about a half dozen emails with the head developer of BitlBee, I ended up joining their IRC channel on OFTC a few days ago. They seem like a nice group of guys, and it turns out they needed some help with documentation. Hey I love writing documentation! So I offered to help them polish up their quickstart guide, which apparently had been put together a while back and never really edited because it was pretty sufficient. So I spent some time this morning working on it. Still have a bit of work to do putting it in XML format, but it feels good to be somehow contributing to a real project that I love and want to see continue.

I definately need to learn more about XML, and DocBook, definately need to learn more about DocBook if I’m going to be writing much documentation.

I also spent a bit of time making little edits on my website after pointed out a grammatical error in my Jedi Test. Well it’s not *my* fault, Ocean-Saurian wrote it! But I probably should have proof read it first. Anyway, he then said that a bunch of his co-workers were browsing my website, that reminded me that my site gets traffic (imagine that), so I should probably go through it and make sure lots of things aren’t broken. A few images were broken because of moving stuff around a while back, so I was able to fix that stuff. And it’s funny, as I was going through it I realized how much I’ve changed and grown up. A few of those pages are only slightly modified versions of stuff I had on my first webpage back in 1998. I just kept moving from site to site until I have the whole crazy pile of stuff that is princessleia.com.

Today Michael set up a little subdomain for Munch, so I was able to move the little page I was working on for him to there today. It’s not nearly as exciting as Caligula’s, but he’s a fish. Mostly fish just eat and swim. I could probably add a few more things to his site, I’m sure I will sometime. Should be resolving by now: http://munch.bevilacqua.us/

I want chocolate.