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Graphing calculator emulator, Caligula the Movie, dinner.

Back when I was a senior in High School I had an old Ti-82 graphing calculator. A friend of mine online showed me how to write basic programs for it and I had all sorts of fun with it. So while sitting in IRC the other day, and an acquaintance mentioned that he had a graphing calculator emulator. The emulator is called Virtual Ti, and unfortunately it’s a Windows program and requires calculator ROMs (which you can either download illegally if you don’t actually have the calculator. or get by hooking your calculator up to your computer). I had a ROM, perhaps this program runs in wine? Oh yes it does! Screenshot. This is pretty neat. I then started poking around ticalc.org a bit more, and found that it’s a pretty cool site. I’m not sure what sort of practical application having a graphing calculator emulator on a much more powerful computer is, but it was good for nostalgia %) And running a calculator emulator within an emulator gets all sorts of geek points.

Last night we finally saw Caligula (1979). I’ve heard various things about this film (and our choice of a name for our cat), including:

“Uh, that film is quite pornographic.”

“I think that Caligula film was connected to Penthouse magazine.”

“omfg – you’re going to watch Caligula! thats a crazy movie”

“You named your cat after a porn movie?”

So I guess I should have known what I was getting myself into. It seems more people than I suspected have seen this movie, it made all sorts of waves when it was first released. I opened up the netflix envelope, pulled out the dvd, “Penthouse Video” *groan*. Ok, so porn doesn’t bother me, but for the most part it bores me. But I thought that maybe with Caligula the porn scenes would at least have something to do with the plot. Boy was I surprised. Many parts did have to do with the plot, but there was still quite a bit that didn’t. From what I’ve read now, it seems that the original intention of the film would have been something more like my idea, but in the editing room Bob Guccione put in more porn, and some scenes and closeups that had nothing to do with the plot. And then there were some scenes which were just gruesome, gah. I probably would have enjoyed and respected it more if there was less unnecessary porn. I guess there is a rated R version too, which might conform to my expectations more.

Crazy movies.

Last night I attempted to make “potato stuffing.” Vehicle00 had suggested it a few days before, and we needed something to eat with our corn on the cob, so I figured I’d give it a shot. Mashed potatoes + toasted bread cut into cubes + diced onion + diced celery, oven heated to 400F and cooked for an hour (40 minutes covered, 20 minutes uncovered). It sure smelled good after those first 40 minutes %D I’d say it was a success, even if it was a bit dry, maybe if I mixed some chicken broth in with it before baking, or created some sort of gravy. I’ll probably eat some of the leftovers for lunch, leftovers! How grown up of me to have leftovers.

*wanders off*