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It’s friday.

It feels so good to write pretty html and css for website, and have all sections validate properly on the first try. Especially when validation is the last thing on your mind when writing it. I think the contract work I did this year helped push my html and css skills further than anything in the past 5 years.

This week I started putting together a little website about housekeeping and stuff. It started out as just a bunch of text files in my home directory so I’d remember how long to boil eggs and bake potatoes, but I figured it’d be nice (and fun!) to make it into a whole website that I can share, especially after a friend of mine said she’d be interested. I still have a bunch to add to it, but it’s beginning to come together: here. I used some clipart from this wonderful clipart collection that I bought so many years ago, it’s great how beneficial this $20 purchase was.

I looked in downtown Schwenksville a little this week for the possibility that there might be some place hiring that I would be willing to work for. No go. This town is so dead. According to Yahoo! Yellow pages there even used to be more shops in town, but they’re gone now. No doubt because of the growth of this area, there’s now a Wal-Mart and a few Super Markets within reasonable distance, so local places don’t have much of a chance. On the bright side I might have more contract work to do in the near future, yay! Having beer money again would be wonderful!