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Meeting another ambient music fan, making CD lists, rain.

I got up at 5:30 this morning, and stumbled into a conversation about Aphex Twin, specifically the Richard D. James album, which took an interesting turn.

< Bibliomaniac> I am now very interested in hearing it. I really enjoy the Ambient Works CDs. pleia2, you heard these albums before?
<+pleia2> Bibliomaniac: yeah, we have two copies of volume 2, heh
<+pleia2> just my boyfriend has volume one though
<+pleia2> he’s really really into ambient
< Bibliomaniac> Oh sweet! I am really really into ambient. What other artists does he listen to?
<+pleia2> Bibliomaniac: a lot of Steve Roach, Robert Rich
< Bibliomaniac> I am engrossed with ambient. WHOA!
< Bibliomaniac> YOu serious? I have most all of Roach’s and Rich’s albums.
<+pleia2> %o!
< Bibliomaniac> Yeah, Vidna Obmana, too.
<+pleia2> yeah!

Wow neat. I think this is the first time I’ve randomly run into an ambient fan, and it was in the #GameMusic channel that I don’t talk in much in. So I spent a while talking to him, and to my surprise I think I was actually able to hold my own in the conversation. I did mention to him that I hadn’t been learning about ambient music for too long, and several times said “…of course my boyfriend would know more…” but I surprised myself with my competence. See, I shouldn’t downplay my knowledge so much, I know more than I think I know. So while we were talking I decided to make up a list of all Michael’s CDs. Then, list in hand, we decided to share some music. He sent a few Jonn Serrie albums, and was nice enough to rip them in ogg! Yay I love Jonn Serrie! Also sent some Liquid Mind, which I’ll have to check out after listening through this Serrie.

Then since I had made a list of Michael’s CDs I decided to make a list of my own too. That’s when I realized that I have a lot of crap. So I removed a bunch of crap from my collection that I don’t listen to anymore (I should sell it or give it away), and kept some crap in because I sometimes might be in the mood for it, and ended up with my list.

I might put together some sort of database for this CD stuff. I looked around a bit and the only linux app I could find that might reasonably do this was KmusicdB, which requires lots of KDE libs, and uses postgreSQL. That would be too much of a pain I think, especially since I’d want Michael to be able to use it too. Maybe on a local box running apache I can write my own with mysql and php, at least that would be easy to put on a website someday if I felt so inclined.

There was a little bit of touchup painting to do in the spare bedroom, so I spent some time today and did that. It’s looking nice, except for behind the radiator. The wrench broke while Michael was trying to unscrew it. Yeah, wrench broke, stupid thing. So we’ll need to get a nicer new wrench and move the radiator when we have a chance. The room looks good though, the bright blue was just too much, white is good!

It’s been raining here all day long. I almost had forgotten that it rains during the day too, since all season I’ve gotten used to “hot and sunny during the day, thunderstorm in evening” cycle. It’s nice to have a rainy day sometimes, and somewhat amusing, since now we have a moat:

I think I’ll make some Boca Burgers for dinner. Yum.

*wanders off*