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lousy weekend, looking for a job

It was not a good weekend.

On Friday (the 13th, appropriately) Michael and I were sitting upstairs relaxing and watching some Red Dwarf after Michael’s tough week. I decided I wanted to eat a brownie, so we walked downstairs and I heard a water noise.



Ok, so we somewhat expected this would happen, we noticed the glass separating and the caulk stretching, Michael intended to fix it this weekend.

So at 9pm we’re covered in fish water cleaning up this watery mess, and just glad that we caught it in time. It was after 10 by the time we had finished cleaning up, and we were both in a pretty lousy mood and went to bed.

Saturday morning Michael started to fix it, and while he was putting the caulking on it one of the panes of glass cracked


This is not something that can be repaired. It was near the bottom of the tank, so too much pressure would be on it even if we tried to patch it, and it’d look awful. We’d need another tank, over $100. Sigh.

The rest of Saturday Michael went to help pack to move, and I stayed home and mowed the lawn. It just wasn’t a very happy day. Sunday was not so perfect either, I just wanted to crawl into a cave and sleep.

We did decide that I need to seriously look for a real job, for a lot of reasons: savings, happiness, success, independence. I might get into it more in a friends-only entry sometime.

So this morning I got up and started looking for work. I have a recently created resume, which still needs some work, but at least it’s up to date. I logged onto a few job hunting sites and started exploring what skills are currently in demand. I decided that I need to definately brush up on my PHP skills, I haven’t touched them in far too long and I know I’ve gotten rusty. I need to pull together a portfolio of sites I’ve done the primary work on, and I need to through my current sites and make sure they’re looking good and properly validating.

This afternoon I spent a bunch of time moving wallaceandgromit.net from all .html to all .php. I had put off doing this because I was afraid of breaking external links to the site, but it’s something I needed to do and better do it now than sometime close to the movie release date next year, when I expect more traffic. I redid the look of the news articles so they’re looking much more spiffy, and I went through and validated the site’s HTML and CSS. I’m considering putting a mySQL backend to the news to get me back into using mySQL again, but we’ll see.

While at the philly chix meeting last week Erin mentioned a mozilla web developer extention that she particularly liked. I surfed through mozdev.org and found it, aptly named Web Developer Extension. And I must say, I’m quite pleased, it does lots of cool stuff. Simple to validate a page, ways to make it put borders around table cells (good for when tables get out of hand), ways to see the page without images and styling, ways to see it easily in different resolutions (by resizing the brower to proper sizes), a way to populate form fields (nice for testing forms and you don’t have to fill them in for each test!) and all sorts of little neat things. It’s very nice.

We need to buy a fishtank tonight, Munch hates living in a bucket.

*wanders off*