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meeting b2s, leaks, crankiness

We were pretty busy late yesterday. Around 4 we headed out to Michael’s brother’s house, where they were holding Michael’s nephew’s birthday party. So many little kids and family members whose names I can’t recall. We had a nice time though, even if I find it difficult to be very social at such things. Ended up staying ’til around 7, when we left to drive to Media.

Media is a big town near Swarthmore College, I’d never actually been to the town of Media, but that’s where b2s (from #13thHour) lives and we were meeting him for dinner at the Iron Hill Brewery. Ended up being a nice meeting, he’s really cool, and I learned much more about him than I had previously known (he’s reasonably private online). The food there at the Brewery was pretty good, even though I found myself not too in the mood for beer that I ordered (I blame heat and humidity). It’s always fun meeting new people from this area, I always feel like I don’t know enough people around here. After dinner b2s gave us one of his old wireless routers, woo! So now at least Michael’s laptop is on the wireless, mine needs to get all set up and working properly.

pleia2, Time, b2s

Erm, I forgot my camera.

We didn’t get home til after 10 last night, I was pretty tired and was in bed by midnight. Michael stayed up setting up the wireless, and then it seems that a bit after 3 am Munch‘s tank sprung a leak! I slept through the whole thing (can’t hear much when the AC is going in our bedroom), but Munch is currently living in huge bucket, which he is swimming around but clearly isn’t very happy about. Sigh. Good thing he’s a versatile fish. It smells like fishwater downstairs %(

Speaking of leaks, it’s raining and our roof is still leaking a little. The biggest problems seem to have cleared up, and the leaks are still confined to just the storage areas (except for around the chimney), but we’ll probably need to talk to a roofer to see what to do about the smaller leaks… bleh.

Heat + Humidity + Tiredness + Leaks == crankie pleia2

I’m doubt becoming crankie rather than simply depressed is a step in the right direction. Neither feels very good. But the change from holding all my frustration inside and having it hurt me with depression to venting a bit is quite nice. There’s nothing I can do to prevent these problems, I guess I just need to get through my crankiness and deal with them.

And then I look across my desk and notice this. Which made me laugh.

I’m “Seeing Bugs”[1] so I should probably go back to bed.

[1] Michael calls it “seeing squirrels” but for me it’s always spiders and bugs, not squirrels. It’s when you see something moving and small out of the corner of your eye that’s not really there, and means you’re sleepy or your brain isn’t otherwise functioning properly. I wonder what the real term for this.