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My books, binders and boxes full of gaming stuff…

I ended up with a pretty bad headache yesterday and got nothing done. I hate days like that, headaches are horrible and boring. You’re in pain and terribly bored, watching tv is the only reasonable option, and most of the time that hurts your head too. So Michael came home last night and just ordered a pizza and we watched some tv. Bleh, I hate headaches.

This morning I woke up headache free, and realized what slacking off on a day of housework looks like. I never even took out the trash (Michael did)! Ugh.

I spent some more time revamping wallaceandgromit.net to brush up on my php skills. Made the menus more dynamic, which I’m quite happy with. I’m also pulling together a portfolio of websites I’ve worked on, which should be a nice suppliment to my resume, and I should have one anyway.

Someone in IRC menioned Vampire the Masquerade this afternoon (actually referring to the computer game version), and that reminded me that I have a few V:tM books on my shelf. Two version of Ravnos Clanbook (v2 and 3 I believe), a copy of “World of Darkness: Gypsies” and a copy of the “Book of Nod.” I highly doubt I’m going to be playing this game ever again, so I hopped on ebay to see how much I could get for these. The clanbooks seem to sell at around $3-10 each, didn’t even find a copy of WoD:Gypsies, and the Book of Nod is fetching about $4. I should probably sell these. Then while thinking in that same vein, I pulled out my Magic cards. Mostly they suck, but again, are they going to do anything but gather dust on my shelves for the rest of my life? It’s fun to pull them out and look at every year or so, but I’m sure someone else could enjoy them more. I’m considering putting them up on cardshark.com (which I’ve bought through before) and trying to sell them, or maybe find a card shop in this area who can give me an estimate to the worth of my rare and foil binder and boxes full of commons/uncommons.

It’s a little sad realizing that such gaming days are over. I’m just not interested it in anymore, and the people I used to play 8 hour RPG sessions with, and ride to tournaments with are in New York, and I don’t think I’ll ever see them again.

Going to make dinner now.

*wanders off*