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My Laptop is wireless! and stuff.

The battle with my laptop + NIC is finally over!

Final giant hurdle was earlier this week. Michael went ahead and started installing gentoo, and on one of the bootups it was going crazy kernel panicking. Then he couldn’t mount the drive or do anything to make it respond properly. Wheehoo dead harddrive! So he had a spare laptop harddrive and ended up putting that in and doing the Gentoo install on that. For the install he put his wireless card in it “just to get it going” and things went great. So now my laptop has a basic gentoo install on it with a wireless card.

What of the other NIC? Michael got it working basicallywith a kernel patch, proper firmware and tweaking on his box. He said he might try to duplicate the process on my box, but there were so many little things that were annoying with the process that he doesn’t want to do that just yet. Fine with me %) Yay I have a wireless laptop! Next step is to get a window manager on there and compile the proper apps.

It’s so nice to have my laptop talking to the world again. It’s rather useless when I can’t move files off it.

Of course since all our NICs are working nicely and happily again Michael’s power adapter for his laptop dies. Doh. Had to grab a replacement yesterday on our way to a wedding of Michael’s cousin (who I had never met).

Well it wasn’t a wedding exactly. They were married last year, but I guess it was a tiny event, so this was a “Renewal of Vows” and a reception at a hotel in Bensalem for family and friends to attend. It was nice, even if it was a family event where I had to meet all sorts of people I had never met before (and attempt to remember at least half their names, it helps that there are a lot of Jenns and Elizabeths). The food was pretty good too. We stayed from about 6-9, since things were winding down a bit by then.

On the way home we stopped at krispy kreme, which recently opened a store in Montgomeryville. People who work at the Montgomeryville Krispy Kreme are much nicer than the ones in NE Philly, but I guess that can be expected. Mmmm doughnuts.

We got home and I watched Dr. Who, finally the last episode of Trial of a Time Lord! I’m so glad I found a PBS channel that plays a couple episodes a week, there are so many that I’ve missed.

Oh, I realized I never mentioned it, but we did end up getting Munch a new tank the other night. Looks similar to the old one, but it’s a little skinnier, which means the lid from the old one doesn’t fit properly, arg. Still, it’s probably a good thing we got the new tank when we did, Munch was looking all miserable and pale. He’s feeling better and eating again now. Yay Munch!

*wanders off*