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The Republican Convention starts today. There have been lots of protests. I thought about doing a rant about how annoyed I was with politics. But then I recalled a comic that a friend of mine showed me last week that summed up much of my current frustration rather well.

The Modern World - The Undecided Voter
Source: http://www.workingforchange.com/comic.cfm?itemid=17519

Of course my gripes with the Bush administration go beyond the war, and crazy tax cuts. Which is why I wish the candidates would get finished with their mud slinging and move on. It’s really ashame that most voters respond better to mud slinging than anything else.

But I do have a confession to make reguarding voting.

I didn’t vote in 2000.

At the time I was working 45 hours a week at a gas station, living above a liquor store, and barely able to pay all my bills each month. That experience made me realize why so few people vote, who really cares whether George or John wins? The country will still leave them as part of the working poor.

But I will vote this year. PA is a battleground state so it’s important. I’m registered as Non-Partisan, but it’s quite safe to say

Kerry/Edwards cuz Bush is teh s uck
c/o aquateencentral.com

Much thunderstorming out, I’m going to go get a book and snuggle with my kitten.

*wanders off*