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#*$)#@ WIRELESS IN LINUX!! And Doom 3 %)

I got up a little after 6 this morning, made myself a cup of coffee and wandered upstairs. I decided that I was going to tackle my laptop’s wireless issues once and for all.

7 hours and a burned knoppix 3.4 cd (which didn’t work with my card either) later I was actually further from my goal than when I started. I managed to uninstall all pcmcia stuff only to realize too late that I didn’t have the debs backed up anymore so my testing was done for the day HAHAHA. I rock. My only hope now is either burning the debs to a cd, or using knoppix + Michael’s card to get the debs back on my laptop. Bleh. There are a couple how-tos I might try tomorrow, but they both require entirely new kernels, possibly patches, which I’d also need to move over to the laptop.

I’m quickly losing my faithfulness to debian on this laptop. At this point I’m not sure I care what distro the stupid thing runs on, as long as it works. Windows still is not an option, because I’d hate it, I know it is possible to get this card to work in linux!

I shouldn’t beat myself up over this, this is a tricky card even for really smart linux people, and what do I understand about modules? Very little. What do I understand about PCMCIA? Uh, that’s a thing for laptops right? So I probably should have tried something a bit easier for my first venture into poorly documented module meddling in debian. But I wanted so badly to get this working %(!

I was a bit frustrated after spending so much time on this, especially since toward the end I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. Mostly I wanted to throw my laptop out the window and shoot it a few dozen times.

So I went to Mars 2145.


I installed Doom 3 on my Windows partition this afternoon. It’s nice to have a Windows game now and then so that harddrive doesn’t die from lack of use %) And boy did my computer have a work out! This game is so crazy, my geforce3 could handle it but it was choppy at times. And load times, oh boy, 2.0ghz p4 + 512mb ddr ram was not enough to lower load time for levels to under a minute (estimate, I didn’t actually count, it felt like a while…). Still, it was quite playable, even if it was a pretty dark game.

Doom 3
a couple more shots here

And of course I got to kill things, which is what I was in the mood for.

I’m currently baking some potatoes to make some twice baked potatoes (without the bacon) for dinner. Yum yum!

So now I must attend to those. *wanders off*

EDIT: These Doom3 screenshots were taken at lowest graphics intensity for the game.