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work, philly chix, laptop, froozyfox…

I had a good day yesterday. I ended up going into work with Michael because I had a philly chix meeting in the area at night, and having Michael drive all the way home to pick me up is silly. I parked myself at a computer in the corner and intended to do some reading and catching up on emails and reading journals all day. So I was sitting there and one of the managers dropped by and asked if I was interested in doing any work. Ah! They haven’t called me since May to do any work, but I come in for a non-work day and they have work for me. Of course I accepted. It was only about 2 hours of work, but I was glad to do it. And it felt good to do a little work again.

After work was the philly chix meeting, which was much fun. I got to tell them about my laptop woes, and all sorts of fun stuff. Most exciting (for me anyway) was when we were talking about ways to find artists (photographers, writers, cartoonists) and I mentioned the e-volution audio project, and that it needed writers. Duh, I was sitting next to a published author! Gwen published a book a few months ago, and she said she’d be delighted to turn it into a script! On top of that she knows a lot of good scifi writers who’d be interested in writing for a radio show. Kickass!

philly chix
Gwen, Erin, Maggie, Lyz

It was getting late when we finally got home last night, but I felt good.

In other news this week…

I was able to boot my laptop without the kernel panicking by booting it without the NIC inserted (of course as soon as I put it in after booting it panicked). So I got the files off it that I wanted, some info about where the firmware unpacked to, the .config for the 2.6.7 kernel, and I’m still planning on going the gentoo route with the little thing. *pats laptop*

I finished updating my system the other day, and was annoyed to find out that my new version of firefox (0.9.3), which I use for an RSS reader, was a bit broken. It seemed to have some issues with upgrading while extentions were in it, since all my extentions disappeared, and things looked very broken (like the section on the left where I had control of my RSS reader was still there, but it wouldn’t close). This led to a host of other problems, like the address bar not working, back/forward/stop buttons not working. I ended up deleting all my preferences files (backed up bookmarks.html), uninstalling and recompiling firefox (which was probably silly, there must be a cache somewhere or something I could have cleaned out) and starting it up without importing anything from anywhere. That worked, finally. It’s annoying that this happened. But then I remember that I love this environment, and having an environment that I like and not having to deal with spyware and crap is good.

I’ve actually been quite busy with a few projects, which is feeling good. Getting things acomplished definately does a lot to improve my sometimes hopeless moods.

Now I am going to make some tortillas for tacos, yum yum! Brownies for dessert %d

*wanders off*