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Day One

My brain is a little bit mushy, so if this isn’t coherent, just move along.

I didn’t get a good night sleep last night. I foolishly stayed up late to watch a video game documentary on PBS (which ended up being not so good because they jumped around too much) until 11. Then of course I had to think about starting the job today, and that kept my brain working when I wanted to be sleeping. Then Michael wasn’t sleeping so well, so around 4:30 or so he got up for a few minutes, and I was woken up. I stayed in bed trying to get back to sleep. Then the alarm went off at 5. I tried to pretend I didn’t hear it, but got up at around 5:10.

Michael and I got out of the house by 8, and I was at work at 8:30. The day went well enough, calling companies to take their orders, answering phones to take the orders all morning. Then the afternoon spent putting together orders. Unsurprisingly I enjoy the afternoons much more, paper shuffling is easy, being good on the phone and juggling people on the phone is not so easy for me. It’s ok though, this is the sort of thing I want experience with. The people I work with are nice too. I’m sure I’ll do fine, even if I don’t exactly enjoy it.

Unfortunately Michael got stuck at the car dealership all day getting repairs on the Rav4. He just went in for an oil change and they found a bigger problem, which was completely covered under our warrenty (yay!) but kept him away from work all day (no yay). But that meant he was able to pick me up right when I got out of work at 4:30.

I came home and made dinner. But I was so exhausted, I ended up skipping the phillychix meeting tonight, which I feel bad about since they tend to not happen if I don’t show up.

Blah blah blah tired going to bed now.