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Living in Windows, our weekend.

Ah Notepad. I haven’t used this program is a very long time, but I used to use it for everything. Writing my private journal, writing up HTML pages, keeping lists.

I’ve spent a great deal of time in Windows this past week brushing up on my Office knowledge, and getting aquainted with everything again. I must say, with the proper tools installed (puTTY, WinSCP, Gimp2, Mozilla, Winamp 2.91, MSOffice) it turns into quite a usable system, even if I can’t multitask as much as I’m used to, and I’m restricted to a single desktop[1].

Today I went through a PowerPoint tutorial, and I laughed more than once. What a crazy program this is! It has so many campy features that made me groan. I suppose I can see how this could be used efficiently, but I can also see the pointy-haired boss having a field day with embedded movies and sliding windows. Still, it didn’t take too long to figure out how this all worked, and I even put together a little cheesy presentation of my own about Caligula (no, I’m not posting it, it’s really not worth the bandwidth).

Speaking of sending myself through tutorials, as I was finishing up a practice session with gtypist this afternoon, I recalled a conversation I had with Michael the other night about temp work. I thought about how there were still people in the world who can’t touch type. That got me thinking, is touch typing a skill these days? Can’t every 14 year old AIM junkie touch type now? I assume so, but honestly I don’t know. Is my mere 60-70 wpm rate still considered “good”? Or has it slipped to “average”?

Michael set up a subdomain for my resume: http://resume.princessleia.com. This is much nicer than the 32432 character address I had for it before. He also printed off a bunch of copies of my resume, yay! I’m just about all set for my interview at the temp agency tomorrow morning.

All work and Windows stuff aside, Michael and I have had a nice long weekend. Friday night we stopped at the homebrew supply shop so Michael could pick up all the hops and things he needed to brew a new batch of beer. Saturday he began his brewing, yay! Our basement is a great place to let the beer stay while it ferments, we can keep it nice and dark down there and the temperature and humidity is relatively constant.

Saturday night we had a couple friends over, enjoyed movies and pizza until late. Sunday we went out to do some shopping, picked up some new food bowls for Caligula, bought some clothes for my interview on tuesday, travelled to New Hope to do some browsing of shops since the day was so nice.

I guess that’s it for now, must go make some dinner.

*wanders off*

[1] Yeah, I know, I can go all out and try other shells, hack the registry, change all sorts of settings until I have a crazy leet Windows system, but the point of this exercise was to see how I dealt with it as close to “factory installed” as it’ll get, something like I’d use in a workplace.