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new cellphone and things

Well, it turns out that Michael’s contract with Sprint ran out in July. We figured we’d just add me to his plan, but we found out that doing that would be a bit expensive and we decided to look elsewhere. On Monday night he ordered a couple flip phones from Verizon. When we got home today they were on our doorstep.

I am not too into cellphones, which is one of the reasons I never had one before now, but it’s not such a bad little thing. It doesn’t sound as horrible as I expected, maybe we’re close to a future where cellphones don’t suck. The phone has text messaging, so now I can be one of those people who can’t tell the difference between IRC and “chatting” on their cellphone.

Today at work they asked me if I could stay for the next 3 weeks. I accepted of course, it’s not a bad job, and having guarenteed income for the next few weeks is great, especially since my birthday is coming up and I want to buy myself lovely things to get over the fact that I’m turning 23 and still don’t have a clue where I’m going with my career %D

I spoke with my Aunt Elaine the other night. It’s always nice talking to her, she makes me feel more sane and grounded. I’ve lived with her a few times, and we’re very close, but we have a tendancy to lose touch when one of us moves. I hadn’t spoken to her in almost a year. She’s finishing up her degree at RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) and then she’s looking for a place to settle down, considering Philly. That’d be cool, having family around again would be nice, especially family that I actually LIKE.

I had a weird dream about coffee makers last night.