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Seeing friends, being lazy, and tomato sauce

Work yesterday was pretty good, the day went by quickly, it wasn’t too insanely busy, and I was out by 3 pm. One of the women I work with who lives near me offered me a ride home because I didn’t expect Michael to come until 4:30. It worked out nicely because Michael had to stay at work pretty late last night, and he would have had to leave, bring me home, and return all the way to work, which would have cut almost 2 hours out of his work time.

So I was home by 3, hopped online to catch up on a few things, and learned that bj () and Sandi () were in town, visiting from Phoenix! They were visiting with our friends , (Nita) and . And here was I, stuck at home 25 minutes away, Michael stuck at work. So a little after 6 Nita offered to come pick me up so I could hang out with them. Yay!

Everyone finally arrived at mct and Nita’s around 8, and we headed out to Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse near King of Prussia. We had a really great time, talking, catching up. The food was good too, I’ll have to keep that place in mind. After dinner we headed back to mct and Nita’s and had a few drinks (Nita and I did some shots of vodka, tequila and rum, my throat still hurts a bit), talked for a while, played with some old laptops that Nita had picked up for free. Then around 11:30 Michael finally showed up, he was tired from work, but it was good that he was finally able to join us and see our visiting friends.

We left a little after 1, it was a fun night %) It was really fun to see bj and Sandi, they look great.

Today… Michael left for work this morning, so I’ve been puttering around the house today, and online. Not doing much, not cleaning like I should be, I feel so lazy. It’s ok though, I worked all week, I deserve some lazy time.

Actually, I really should break out of this laziness now, it’s almost 2 pm. I’m going to do some cleaning and make some tomato sauce. I’ll be using my parent’s recipe, which I *loved* when I was a kid, but it requires a lot of spices and things I never had until I recently started buying them. I remember that this sauce gave me amazing heartburn and that it made all canned/bottled sauces pale in comparison. After almost 5 years of bottled sauces I think I’ll fall in love with this sauce all over again. The sauce takes about 3 hours to make, so it’ll be done to enjoy for dinner.

As long as I don’t screw it up.

Off to the kitchen!