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Stuff I did this week, and the cat who attacks gummy bears

The work week went by quickly.

After work on Thursday we went to Montgomeryville to check out the Keystone Hops Homebrew Club at the brew shop. Michael had been before, but I hadn’t. People bring their home brews and we taste test them all (“We DRINK and call it taste testing!”). I tried a couple really hoppy beers, and was pleased that they weren’t too bitter. Tried a couple that were a bit weak and sweet, but for the most part the ones I tried were good. Then I started to not feel so good. I think I was tired and hot, but we left only about 30 minutes after we got there. Pretty disappointing for both of us. But there is always next month!

Last night Michael picked me up from work and we decided that we should go out for dinner. But where? We drove around for a bit, called up The Drafting Room to see if it was possible for them to make the “Chicken and Brie” sandwich that we love so much and they took off their menu. Sometimes they have brie for other seasonal dishes, but unfortunately this time they didn’t. Sigh. Then I suggested trying out Ortlieb’s Brewery and Grille again, because the last time we went they had good food but none of their brew. Inexcusable for a brewery! But their chicken sandwiches were killer, and they had Guinness on tap. So we drove toward Limerick, got a little lost and ended up at the front gate to the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant. Then finally found Ortlieb’s. They were closed. GRAAH! The website says “CURRENTLY CLOSED FOR REORGANIZATION” sigh. By then it was almost 7 and we called up the pizzeria down the road from us and got some spinach pizza, and went into Harleysville for a case of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

I didn’t get enough sleep last night. The last bits of hurricane Ivan hit our area, and didn’t disappoint. Hail, wind, rain, power going out, intense flooding in town, Michael had to go to a different grocery store than normal because the bridges leaving Schwenksville were completely submerged. It all seems fun now, but it made sleeping last night a bit difficult. And in the middle of all that, Caligula jumped on the counter and knocked down our dish drying rack, which lead to the breaking of a couple new wine glasses. Grr.

Speaking of Caligula being where he shouldn’t be, the other night we were sitting in bed watching some tv, and Caligula pushed open the bedroom door, and started playing with some plastic sounding thing on the floor. Puzzled, Michael looked down and saw that he had my Gummy Bears! He had jumped up on the counter in the kitchen where they had been sitting since Sunday, carried the bag into the room, and started gnawing on it. Kitties don’t eat gummies. I suspect he was just doing something troublesome to get our attention since I’ve been working so much lately.

Caligula attacks gummies

Working. I got my first paycheck in the mail today, woo! Which reminds me, I need to pay bills.

Today has been nice. I sat with Caligula on the couch in front of a nice fire and did a bunch of reading. I finished Hackers & Painters, which was pretty good. Not sure what we’re doing tonight, Michael is bottling beer right now and some friends might come over (if they can get past the flooding downtown).

Wow, it’s almost 6!

*wanders off*