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A busy week: work, friends, lasagne




“I’m sleeping!”


“Go away!”

*sniff and thwap nose*

*mumble* “Want to sleep”


“OK, I’m up!”

Damn kitty alarm clock. You know what he does once I’m up? Sleeps on my lap, that’s where he is right now.

I’m writing this in notepad. Why? Because the harddrive that linux on is toast. In fact, since lilo is on that failing harddrive I won’t even be able to boot into windows when it finally goes. I have semi-recent backups luckily. I wouldn’t be so annoyed/upset by this if:

1) the drive was more than 3 years old
2) the drive wasn’t Western Digital (I expect better from them than 3 years life)
3) my laptop hadn’t died just recently
4) I had more time to deal with this

I just want things to work. For once I don’t want Linux to be a bitch or Windows to be a bitch, or my hardware to start acting up!


Work was busy this week. On Thursday the girl on the “first phone” was out sick and I ended up getting most of the calls, as well as the extra load of stores to call because she was out. I was exhausted when I came home, and glad that I made up the spinach lasagne[1] *before* going to work that morning.

Along with a busy work week, we did some socializing as well. Went to PLUG on Wednesday night, was doing a presentation on MythTV. Our friend b2s showed up too, as well as mct, Nita, and waltman. I also got to meet , who is part of that friend group of sorts that Michael and I belong to, just never got to meet him outside of IRC (and never much spoke to him there either).

Friday night we ended up going to ‘s place for “Movie Night” this time b2s and Baerana came too, which was fun. We had pizza and drank beer and watched dvds of Futurama. I was sleepy by 10:30, damn busy week making me fall asleep early! I wish we could have stayed longer, but I was just too tired.

This weekend… gosh I don’t know. I’d be happy just snuggling in a blanket and reading all day today, but there is probably work around the house that needs to be done.

*wanders off*

[1] Which turned out great, if I do say so myself. I use the recipe from the no-boil noodles package, don’t put the ground beef in, and mix 10oz spinach with the ricotta cheese mixture. I can make it up in the morning, refrigerate it, and put it in the oven to cook when I need to, works out nicely.