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Halloween party

Happy Halloween!

We had our party yesterday. A couple guys we knew from Michael’s old workplace came by, as did our friends b2s, , , , and . So it was a smaller party than we had anticipated (2 others had a death in the family, 2 were sick, 2 were unable to come at last minute…), but we made the best of it. We had all sorts of yummie beer and fruity drinks and played a lot of old UT (which kept acting up on a couple XP systems for some reason).

And I have pictures!

Livingroom, b2s, Pete and Bob
Livingroom, b2s, Pete and Bob

lost1 and pleia2 playing UT

mct and lost1

mjoesph playing UT, Time at turntables

I have more, all of which are on a page on my site: http://princessleia.com/October3004.html.

After game playing we all hung out in the TV room and watched some MST3K. It was a fun night. I woke up hurting a bit this morning (French Vodka is something else!), but some Advil and a cup of coffee took care of that in about an hour.

Moving on, I’m officially sick of campaign talk. The breaking point was an interview with Bush on the 6:30 evening news, I don’t think he answered any of the questions put to him, it was like he was having a completely different conversation. It’s not just Bush, it’s Kerry too, and the local guys, it’s all just making me crazy. Stop lying and stop avoiding tough questions dammit! I’m to tired of it to even rant about the things that bother me, I just want it to be over already. Bah. So when the Dateline Election special came on at 7 I came up here and played with mplayer and decided to write this.

I have a few things to get done now. *wanders off*