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“It’s October 29th, of course we don’t have Halloween stuff!”

I should be sleeping, but I woke up and couldn’t fall back to sleep. *yawn*

Last night we went out to get some party stuff, and I thought I’d get some additions to my witch costume for the party. We went to Wal-Mart, since they’re the closest store to our house that’d have everything (yeah, Wal-Mart sucks, they’re evil, I know). When we walked in I saw lots of children’s costumes in the middle of the main walkway, and I thought “oh, how nice, they moved some things to the front for easier access.” Then I saw someone marking them down “Oh neat, a sale before halloween” then we went to get all the party foods. Then I tried to look for their Halloween section, as far as I knew they always had a few aisles dedicated to it. I went to those aisles that Wal-Marts usually keep their holiday stuff in and saw Christmas stuff. Hm, Christmas? Walking further takes you into a whole addition to the store with Christmas things.

So I walked back to the costumes in front and asked a salesperson if that was all the halloween stuff they had left “Yeah, we had a lot before, you should have come then.” Ouch, so much for pleasant Wal-Mart salespeople, but I’m sure she must have been asked that 452534 times already, as I couldn’t be the only person buying Halloween stuff on October 29th.

Maybe Wal-Mart is a cheap fluke, I could probably find Halloween stuff at a Pharmacy.

Rann’s Pharmacy, privately owned in Harleysville: Marked down, hardly any selection.

Rite-Aid: Chain, marked down, hardly any selection.


I gave up.

Is getting rid of all their stuff 2 days before Halloween really make up for all the last minute people who will come and who might be willing to pay twice as much for something? Especially when Halloween is on a Sunday, Friday night and Saturday are prime times for selling stuff!

Either way, it pissed me off %) They put their Halloween stuff out in August, and keep it until before Halloween, when they replace it with Christmas stuff.

My costume will still be ok without them.

Otherwise, plans for the party have been coming together nicely. We moved the couch into the TV room, and it’s a bit cramped in there, but now we have lots of comfy seats in there for movie watching. We picked up a long table from Michael’s mother’s yesterday. Of course we got snacky foods, and from work I was able to pick up a couple salads (Pasta Broccoli and Lobbster Salad, 5 pounds of each!) for free, yay free!

I have Doom3 installed. UT installed and sound working with it (needed to load the oss module). Windows is all updated and should be working right. Just need to make a few mroe tweaks in Linux and then I can get started with other things.

Yay for Halloweenish parties!

*wanders off*