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A lousy day and an interesting Catholic

Yesterday was a stupid day.

One thing after another at work, lousy news regarding a job prospect when coming home, weather and traffic were too crappy to go down to Media to spend time with friends, THEN I got home realized I hadn’t defrosted the spinach for dinner (ok, sometimes having a microwave would be a good thing).

I put the frozen spinach on the counter and went to cry for a bit. I hadn’t cried in a while and it seemed to help (especially since I had Michael there snuggle to talk to).

Once I was feeling better I was able to defrost the spinach stuff under some hot water and make the Cheesy Chicken Florentine. It’s one of the new meals I’m trying out in an attempt to broaden our menu. Was it a success? Well, Michael said he liked it, but I am not so sure I did, I think it was too dry for my taste.

So I spent the evening watching TV.

Now was on, and there were some really intersting reports. One was an interview with Sister Joan Chittister, a Benedictine Nun, who is known worldwide for her books and lectures. She’s quite a woman! A very intelligent Catholic who has views that I can respect and even agree with. With all our talk of “Morals” in this country, why do more people care about abortion than the tens of thousands of civilians killed in the war in Iraq? How can you call all people who are anti-abortion “Pro-Life” when they don’t want to spend their tax dollars on making sure these mostly unwanted children grow up in a healthy, nuturing environment? These people are simply “Pro-Birth”

She made a lot of other great points, and that brought me over to nationalcatholicreporter.org to sign up for her article email alerts.

Yeesh, who would of thought I’d be agreeing with a Catholic? I might head to the library and pick up a book or two of hers.

Today the weather is better and traffic on the blue route shouldn’t be insane, so we’re rescheduled our “Movie Night” for today, yay! Today should be a much better day.

*wanders off*