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customizing xfce4, liferea, and new favicons

My journal has been sadly devoid of computer fun entries lately. I just haven’t had time to play with my computer so much, I hadn’t even customized xfce4 since my reinstall a few weeks ago, and that’s sad! Well I remedied that, and did a few other fun things this morning.

I was sick of launching all my programs from the Run prompt, and finally got around to putting them in my xfce4 control panel, which now looks like this:

xfce4 panel
For full screenshot, see here.

I have xfce4-weather installed, so I have current temp (and whatever other readings I want, in the summer I go temp and humidity, in the winter I go temp and wind chill). And lauch buttons for aterm[1], xmms, mozilla, gimp, gnumeric, logjam and liferea, then the volume control (green thing) and clock. I’m sure I’ll think of more programs that I use regularly, but that’s most of them.

Yeah, I installed liferea. I really loved using firefox + sage, it was everything I wanted in a feed aggregator, and it looked great. But I go so sick of firefox being bad, each time I upgraded there was a new problem, least of which was reinstalling all my extensions each time. I was patient with it, I could handle the find tool not working, and various other annoyances, but this last time I installed it, it’d seg fault each time I pressed enter after putting something in the addressbar. I couldn’t take that. So I unistalled firefox and decided I needed to find a new aggregator. I installed straw, but I don’t think my system has enough Gnome love for it to work properly. So I went with liferea, and it works fine, even if I don’t love it as much as firefox and sage.

I got around to changing my website‘s favicon today. If you go to my site in a browser that supports it you can see it’s just a little leia head, much better than the silly flower I had before (which was designed with a way old site layout in mind). I also gave a favicon to caligula‘s website. I was discouraged to find that when I opened up mozilla the icon didn’t show up, but then wondered.. “does mozilla ever show them? I think it’s only sometimes.” It turns out that mozilla removed automatic support for all of them, preferring to only show them when this was in the <head>:

<link rel=”SHORTCUT ICON” href=”/favicon.ico”>

So first I added that, then I went in search of a solution to it not automagically showing all favicons, and found it here:

Mozilla no longer reads /favicon.ico images by default although Mozilla still reads page icons defined with the <link> tag. Set the following pref to turn the feature back on.


So, you’d first close mozilla (editing text files while it’s running is silly, since they’ll just be overwritten), then you open the ~/.mozilla/default/orojbmpz.slt/prefs.js file and drop in that user_pref. Yay now I have favicons everywhere in mozilla!

Now I need to go outside and rake leaves. *groan* Owning a house is so much fun!

[1] aterm -tr -bg black -fg white -tint magenta -sh 25 +sb -fn ‘-b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-m-*-iso10646-1’