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Shark Tale and Modulated R2D2

I had a fun day yesterday. I woke up and did some playing with Perl, then messaged me on IRC to see if I wanted to do anything. Yay! We ended up going out with . We ate at Fridays, then wandered to the Quarkertown Market where I picked up a CD and some toys for Caligula. Then we went to the 2 Dollar Movies to see Shark Tale. We had a fun time, even if Shark Tale wasn’t the best movie on the planet (Pixar still rules all!). Shark Tale was just too pop, in different ways than the Shreks, but still will show it’s age in 10 years.

Today I spend the day fiddling with R2 some more. I’m using hashes for the first time, and that was neat to learn about. I wasted a lot of time trying different methods of parsing the data I get from the IRC server, simply to go back to what I started with %) In the end my biggest acomplishment was taking R2’s old 300 line script into several smaller scripts. He’d always had a separate weather script, and google script, and seen script, but he also had a huge central script that was always a mess. So I broke down his central script (which still includes some junk I was too lazy to split up for now). Now he’s made up of about a dozen scripts, which can be taken apart and used on other IRC bots. This is great news for people who want his scripts, I no longer need to chop up a main one, or give them the massive script tell them they’re on their own.

Once I finished launching my new modular R2D2, I threw together a website with all his scripts on it: Modular R2D2 irssi Bot

Yay fun! It’s so nice to have a few full days of computer playtime.