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Fix0ring Gentoo

Over the Christmas holiday weekend I spent some time eating fish, snuggling by the fire, reading, and fighting with gentoo unstable.

Apparently Gentoo Unstable is normally fine to use, but over the past couple weeks I’ve encountered a few problems that were making me crazy. I considered reinstalling to get back to stable. I even thought of going back to Debian.

Not to say that I don’t enjoy wrestling with computer problems from time to time, but I work a lot now, and some days I really don’t want to have to fix things.

The first problem was my sound. It’d been a bit broken (had to manually modprobe rather than from startup script) for a couple weeks, and neither Michael nor I had the time to try and fix it. Eventually I found the problem was with module-init-tools and my kernel version (yay gentoo forums!). I fixed it by downgrading module-init-tools (although now Michael tells me there is a fix out). Next I had problems while updating, compiles of a few programs (pango, gtk+, mozilla) failed me with freetype errors. I couldn’t find a solution from the forums, but ended up downgrading the freetype package, and that seemed to fix things.

We don’t have many plans for this vacation week, mostly just relaxing, reading and playing with computers %)

Oh and it snowed last night %D About a half of an inch, yay snow!