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King Arthur and Christmas Trees

I was sick this week, but I’m getting better now. Yesterday I came home from work a couple hours early because I felt crappy. Most of my problem is a sore throat and sinus headache, some congestion. I guess this is my first cold of the season. I slept most of the day today.

I finished reading The Mists of Avalon last night. I really enjoyed it. Then I went to watch the miniseries last night. Ugh! I don’t think the book should have been made into a movie. The characters of the book needed to be too deep for a movie to accurately portray them. In the book you felt affection for all of the characters, but in the movie they needed to speed up character development so there were clear cut “good guys” and “bad guys” .. that really made a mess of the story. And the ending? Oh boy, they changed that and made it all wrong. All of Mordred’s character was wrong.

So I got to thinking, are there any good “King Arthur” movies out there? Sword in the Stone was good, I recall there being a musical of Camelot, but musicals tend to be silly. There was First Knight, with Sean Connery in it, but that was not great. Then Merlin, that crappy tv miniseries. Apparently there was a movie made in 1981 called “Excalibur” but it didn’t get great reviews (that I’ve seen anyway). Someone needs to do it right sometime. Maybe take T.H. White’s book, and the Mists of Avalon, and put them into a nice movie.

We got our Christmas tree. We were searching for a place where you could cut down your own, so we ended up going to Varner’s Tree Farm in Collegeville. It’s a great little place, but they stop going out to the tree fields at 4:30 (reasonable, since it gets dark after that). So our options were: 1) get out of work early one day and go 2) come back on Saturday (when they are crazy busy) or 3) just pick out a pre-cut tree. We decided that the 3rd option was the best. The real reason I wanted to cut down our own was so it’d last all through december, and so many of the trees you buy in parkinglots and at stores have been cut for a month or more already. We figured that trees bought at a tree farm wouldn’t have been cut for that long, so it’d last. We got a nice, full 7 foot tree that looks really nice in our livingroom.

Since vacation and then being sick I haven’t had time to reply to emails, what a mess my inbox is! I should get to replying…

*wanders off*