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Office party, cookies, and getting prints of digital pictures.

Last night’s dinner at La Famiglia Ristorante was great. I wasn’t so sure how it’d be, because I have only casually met a couple people from that office, and I’m horrible shy with people I don’t know. We got there a few minutes early, only one other guy was there. Soon enough more people arrived, and we enjoyed a few glasses of Chardonnay from the open bar. I got to meet some of the people Michael works with at the company. Had to sit down often though, heels were a horrible idea! We encountered two other women who were complaining about how their shoes hurt their feet, sheesh. Dinner was amazing, and so was my bottomless wine glass (which made walking in heels even more of a challenge). We got to go down to the wine cellar and it was huge, they said there were over 20,000 bottles of wine, ranging from $10 to well over $1000. Nice. Dinner was delicious, and we had good company at our table, it was fun. I sat next to a guy from the New York office who told me all about how much New York has cleaned up since 9/11. Later in the evening I tried some Grappa in a cute little grappa glass, which I had tried before at a friend’s house, but this had a bit more flavor to it, wow it’s some crazy stuff! Dessert was nice too, it was all nice. I guess I was quiet for most of the night, so my shyness did show up, but I had a nice time. We left a little after 11, and I was pretty toasted. Yay for bottomless wine glasses! And so ended my first corporate office party.

Today I spent the day making cookies (which I took pictures of, but they’re unaccessable at the moment). Made some Sugar Cookies and some Christmas Sand Tarts. Yum yum! Then I made some spaghetti sauce, which we had with dinner. It was a good day, and I was happy to get a lot acomplished that I kept putting off. Never did get around to doing Christmas cards though. Oh well.

While I was thinking about Christmas cards, I also decided to start looking around for some stores that made prints of digital photos. I’d heard that pharmacies are really trying to make their digital processing services more popular, and I ended up on the CVS website. It’s pretty cool, you can either go into the store with some sort of digital media (flash card, floppy disk, cdrom, even some photo taking cellphones) or submit the digital photos online with a nice little form, and then go to the store to pick up the photos the next day. This page explains it. And for only 29 cents per print! I’ll get some nice photos together and try out this service.

We got our first accumulated snow tonight!

We have a nice fire going downstairs, I am going to go down and enjoy it for a bit.

*wanders off*