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Archive for December, 2004

Happy 1st Birthday Caligula!

This past week

First off, thanks to everyone who commented on that last entry, it helped. On Tuesday night I talked to my Aunt Elaine about my father’s passing. I also let other members of the family know, so I spent a lot of time talking online as well. My sister Heather is taking it hard of course, […]

My father passed away this evening. My aunt called me on my cellphone when Michael and I were in the car, coming home from work this evening to let me know. He’d been ill for quite a long time and I knew this day was coming, but nothing quite prepares you for when the day […]

King Arthur and Christmas Trees

I was sick this week, but I’m getting better now. Yesterday I came home from work a couple hours early because I felt crappy. Most of my problem is a sore throat and sinus headache, some congestion. I guess this is my first cold of the season. I slept most of the day today. I […]