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Tonight I tried a new recipe that I found online. It was for Chicken & Broccoli Manicotti. Once I figured out what manicotti was I was ready to go. We picked up the needed ingredients at the grocery store on Sunday and tonight I made it up.

Success! But I didn’t take a picture because I was hungry. It actually looked just like the picture from the recipe site (miracle!) but without the garnish. I’m really happy it came out well, even if a bit of work is involved in getting it prepared. Oh and the manacotti weren’t as hard to stuff as I had thought %)

I was talking about food with some people this morning. We got talking about poptarts because a Swedish friend of mine is coming to the US in a couple months and he’s very excited about “getting poptarts for cheap.” Apparently the only way he can get them in Sweden is from some import store and they’re really expenaive there. So I said “I don’t like poptarts unless they’re drown in butter.” I got disgusted reponses from everyone. Sheesh, I thought it was a fairly common thing, they’re too dry otherwise.

Actually, I don’t eat poptarts anymore, after they’re covered with butter they’re still not very delicious, and that’s too much bad stuff (fat, calories, etc) to waste on something that’s not wonderful.

So how about bubbly milk? Everyone knows milk tastes better after you shake it up and there are bubbles. No? Well it’s true.

At least I don’t put ketchup on my eggs.