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New years eve party at mct and Nita’s

Oh I hurt. But it’s all good, I had fun last night.

We arrived at and ‘s place around 8. I bought my desktop system, and Michael brought his laptop. It seems laptops were the popular choice for this lan party, only two of us had desktop systems out of about a dozen people. Sheesh. The game of choice for the evening was original UT, yay! I played a bunch early in the night (and won lots because I rock), but then after I’d had a couple beers and a fruity drink I decided to stop playing before my winning record was broken ;) Around 11 I gave my online friend Steve a call (drunk dialing!) because he was housesitting and I figured he could use some company.

There was lots to drink. Our traditional fruity drinks, ice, strawberry mix, vodka and tequila, all mixed in Nita’s new fruity drink maker. I passed on the grappa but had a few shots of Slivovitz (a plum brandy, 100 proof!), boy that stuff was good. I seem to recall telling my fellow partiers that I “felt like I was in outer space” after having my 3rd shot. That led to a conversation about planets o_O Gosh we were drunk. I ate lots of snacks, including the awful cheese puffs. Baerana brought some really yummie cheesecake and carrot cake. I enjoyed some of the carrot cake but passed on the cheesecake (wasn’t sure my stomach could handle it at that point). Best of all, we succeeded in getting drunk. He was really knocking back those fruity drinks, even some grappa and Slivovitz!

Ah good times, and Michael got a few pictures.

playing poker
Some of the people were playing poker.

playing lan games
I (far left) was playing UT with people in the livingroom.

And this is Stark the kitten (never got a picture of her brother, he’s a bit skittish)

It was after 3 by the time we left. I was pretty drunk, yay for sober Michael driving us home! Thankfully I grabbed a bottle of water before leaving their house, so I was able to hydrate myself a little. When we got home I crashed on the couch until Michael suggested I move to the bed. I went to bed and fell asleep immediately.

What a great night %D I’m really glad they had us over.

I woke up this morning at 9:30. Got up, checked email, puttered around, and then went back to bed because I felt yucky. I got up for a second time around noon. Gah my day is mostly gone now! I think I’ll spend it snuggled up with a book and a cat.

Happy 2005 everyone!

*wanders off*