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Sunday evening out

Well, this year isn’t starting out as wonderful as I wanted it to, but it’s not all bad.

Sunday I was feeling restless, I think it was because it was the last day of my vacation. So I asked Michael if he was in the mood to go out to dinner. It was up to me to find a place to go.

So I hit restaurant review sites, clicked through a few until I stumbled upon The Epicurian in Phoenixville. It actually had a website (all restaurants should!), with a menu online, and best of all an extensive beer list! So we decided to check it out.

The drive there wasn’t difficult, but downtown Phoenixville isn’t the nicest place in the world so I got a little worried. Luckily The Epicurian sat away from all that in a nice looking plaza.

The food and drinks were delicious! I stuck to my favorites of “Delirium Tremons” and “Lindeman’s Peche” for drinks, but Michael tried a couple ales that he hadn’t tried before. For dinner I had the “Spinach Fettuccini & Crab” yum yum! I was happy with how much crab they put in it, as I’m used to places being stingy with it, but I could only finish about half of it, it was quite a plateful. Michael ordered the Filet Mignon, which looked really tastey. I couldn’t pass up dessert, and so I finished off my dinner with a slice of 5-layer chocolate cake (half of which came home with me).

It was a great meal. My only complaint is the beer pricing was a bit more steep than I’ve seen elsewhere (like The Drafting Room), but I blame that on there being less of a demand for it out as far as Phoenixville, The Drafting Room locations are closer to the city. At least they had the brews I wanted! %)