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The Franklin Institute

Today Michael took me to The Franklin Institute! I’ve wanted to go since I saw a PBS special about it a few months ago, and since both of us were feeling restless here at home we figured it’d be a good day.

And it was! Even with all the kids running underfoot I had a really nice time. Got to climb through The Giant Heart and see all the rest of cool exhibits. I think my favorite part of the day was visiting the planetarium, I love planetariums and I hadn’t been to one in years. When the actual museum closed we ended up going to see Forces of Nature in the IMAX, and I have to say that I was pretty disappointed, probably because we watch too many documentaries so we were bored with their dumbed down presentation of volcanoes, earthquakes and tornados.

It was a great day %)

*Yawn* I was going to write more but I’m so tired.