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Man, I’m tired.

I haven’t slept well this week, I don’t know why. I cut out all caffeine Tuesday in an attempt to sleep better, but it hasn’t really helped (and it’s made it quite hard to make it til 5pm at work). I thought I’d be exhausted enough wednesday night to sleep well, but I didn’t. I don’t really have more than usual on my mind, I’m not worried about things. I know I was taking NyQuil for my cold for a while, maybe my body is saying “GIMMIE QUILLY 2 SLEEP KTHX!”


There are so many things I want to write about, but I can’t stay focused, even catching up on email tonight was a struggle.


Maybe it has something to do with the weather. It’s been warm (near 70 today, IN JANUARY!), humid and gloomy out.

Going to snuggle now.