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Today the office soundscape is full of sneezing, coughing and people blowing their nose. I guess that means a cold is starting to go around *sigh* That’s no good. *barricades self in cubicle*

It’s started snowing. They are were 3-5 inches by this evening, but so far it’s not sticking. I guess this means we don’t get to go home early, bummer. The ride home is going to be awful though, people around here go crazier with driving when there are flurries.

Thus far my time management scheme is going well. It’s amazing how something simple like writing a list of things I needed to get done has helped, I can just take a look at the list and see what I feel like working on. Last night I began pulling together a Xelium website for an upcoming contest we’re having, and it looks nice so far.

Gosh. I can’t think of more to write.