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Been sick %\

I’ve been sick these past few days.

It started on Thursday night, diarrhea, YUCK! I went to bed early because my stomach was feeling awful.

Friday I went into work, wasn’t feeling the greatest and let my boss know I might not feel up to staying the whole day. I felt ok all day, and stayed until 5. Michael picked me up and we headed over to ‘s place for movie night. I had a beer and some pizza, and my stomach didn’t protest too much, so I thought I was all better.

Saturday morning I woke up dehydrated with diarrhea AGAIN. Throughout the day I was taking ImmodiumAD and trying to make myself feel better because we had plans with some friends in the evening. So I kept telling myself I’d be fine and we could still go out with friends, but after lunch I didn’t feel so good, and after dinner I just felt awful. We had to cancel our plans.

So yesterday evening was the worst of it. I on my computer and my stomach was killing me, so I went downstairs to watch some tv, lying down hurt, sitting up hurt a little less. I finally broke down and took some Advil, which I had been reluctant to take before because it can be hard on the stomach. Eventually that made me feel good enough to go to sleep.

I hate when my body gets all broken like this! Apparently it’s one strain of the latest flu going around… which I hadn’t been directly exposed to, Michael had (and he’s fine!).

But this morning I feel better. Not quite 100% yet, but close to it.

When I wasn’t feeling miserable yesterday I was able to spend some time working on our internal phonebook. Michael found the old database for our previous phonebook, and I was able to dig up the PHP files. What a mess those php files were! And no formatting! But they worked, and I spent some time putting together CSS and making the pages look nicer. It’s functional now, but there are still some things I’d like to work on with it.

And today… we don’t have plans, at least I’m feeling better.