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Project organization

As I mentioned in a previous entry I want to start managing my time better so I can work on projects. My first step has been compiling a list of projects I want to work on, and I did that this week.

  • Write new Address Book for internal use. This would be something running on our home apache server, only accessible from the network. Using PHP and MySQL it’ll have a place to display and sorts addresses, as well as edit the entries. I’ve written one in the past, but it was ugly and didn’t have as much functionality as I wanted.
  • Write a “gallery” creation script. I know there are a zillion out there, but I want my own with all the perfect settings. I feed in high res pictures from my camera, it creates large, small and thumbnail images, then puts together a skeletal html page that displays them. I’ll write this in perl or bash scripting.
  • Redo the #13thHour site. Some content is out-dated and I’ve had that same design for years. I want to redo the members section completely (surveys are lame) and all the quote pages are old… I probably don’t have time to put together a new quotes page, but I’ll send logs to any #13thHour people who wants to… volunteers?
  • Redo Xelium site. This has been a project I’ve wanted to work on for months, but it just hasn’t gotten off the ground, each time we get together to plan things and start we all end up getting busy and the idea rots. We need to really start this someday.
  • Improve CSS on princessleia.com. I want write up different CSS “Themes” for different holidays and seasons, so it’s not hard to do (I never even got around to making a V-Day theme this year!).
  • #13thHour URLs page. I thought this up last night at movie night when mentioned yet again that he never clicks the links posted in channel. I could write a script to go through R2D2’s logs and grabs urls (and possibly the date and time they were said, but grabbing the date would require some script-foo). Then either put it on the #13thHour site as an RSS feed (optimal, but would require date grabbing) or as a plain html page. I’d tackle this with perl or bash scripting.
  • Continue with my OS Experimentation on R2Q5. I want to try an Ubuntu install, a regular debian unstable or testing install, OS Warp 2 install.

I also want to get further into a few excellent computer books I have.

  • The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks – I just got this one this week, it’s very nice to have an actual CSS book in my hands finally, the online guides just weren’t doing it for me. And this book has some nice chapters and compatibility notes.
  • Perl Core Language Little Black Book – Just got this one this week too, thought I’d pick up the “little” (term used loosely, it’s 500 pages) one to see how I liked it before I got the big one (1328 pages). I keep picking it off my shelf and opening to random pages, I keep finding useful things, so getting more involved with this book would be good.
  • Unix Shells by Example – As I’ve mentioned in the past, this is my favorite shell book, but I’ve only actually learned and used a few things, there is much more I want to get into, and I’d like to try out some of the different shells.

Now I’m off to work on some things. *wanders off*