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Snow day off

I put the salad dressing on my salad when I made it up this morning, by lunchtime it was all soggy. Doh.

Yesterday I woke up and there was 3 inches of snow on the ground. Ack. Because of the horrible roads and lousy road crews in this area I ended up calling work and saying I wouldn’t be in. They were fine with it, a bunch of people didn’t come in because of the snow. So I had an extra day to my weekend *joy*

It was yucky snow, I went outside and shoveled before Michael woke up, gosh that stuff was heavy! It’s just too warm and the snow was melty-slushy. It’s February, the snow shouldn’t be melting so fast.

I spent the better part of the morning doing email and stuff with wallaceandgromit.net (the news is pouring in already and the movie release is still over 7 months away!).

Later I spent some time on our internal phone book website, which is coming along nicely.

In the afternoon I started playing around with the script that will pull URLs from #13thHour. I said I might want to do it in bash scripting (because I want to learn more), but after talking to a few people they told me I’d be much better off doing it with Perl. I’m torn between having it be a script that is part of R2D2, which instantly updates an RSS feed with URLs when they are posted, or having it as an external perl script that’s run once a day. There are pros an cons to each method.

I also spent some time with the rest of the Xelium admin staff pulling together plans for the upcoming site overhaul. We’ve been talking about this for months but keep getting distracted/busy with other things. I think this time we’re actually getting somewhere.

In the late afternoon Michael decided to go into work to do some things he couldn’t do while people are at the office, he said he’d be back late. So I started talking to b2s who wanted to “do something.” We ended up going out to grab some Mexican food and went back at b2s and ‘s place to watch some episodes of Creature Comforts that they had recorded from Comedy Central. I got home around 10 and went to bed, I was tired.

And today I’m at work. We should probably go grocery shopping tonight, having just salad to eat for lunch is no fun.