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Time management

So at this new job I’m not doing techie stuff, so my techie fun time is squeezed into the few minutes before work and the couple hours of free time afterwards. So I’m trying to play around with my schedule to fit the most fun stuff in as possible.

I figure I sleep about 8 hours per night (I wish I could cut this down, but the only way to sleep less and not be a zombie is by using caffeine and sleeping pills, which is not a reasonable solution).

I spend 1 hour in the morning getting ready for work: shower, making lunch, etc.

Let’s say 2 hours for commuting.

8.75 hours at work (including 45 minute lunch break, which I’m on now).

1 hour preparing and eating dinner.

Techically this leaves me with 3.25 hours of playtime hours per day. Gosh, that’s not much! Especially since some nights we go out to dinner, some days we have errands to run, and a few nights a week I like to catch my favorite tv shows (Nova on tuesdays, West Wing on wednesdays). And most importantly, there is quality time I want to spend with Michael. So on an average day I get, at most, 2 hours of fun computer time. An hour of that is spent doing email and catching up with friends on IRC and in journals (although I can check journals during this 45 minute lunch break), and once I’m able to tear myself away from that (not an easy task!) I often don’t have enough time to get into any of the projects I want to be working on. Because I don’t have much time I end up getting discouraged and being completely unproductive during the work week. That makes me sad.

I need to fix this.

I think I need to better organize my projects so that I can spend a half hour here and there on them instead of giving up on them. It’s OK to not finish a project in one sitting!

My first step is going to be making a list of all my current projects. Websites I’m working on, half finished shell and perl scripts I have on the shelf, and of course, my “playing with other distros and oses” project.

But right now I need to get back to work.