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Feeling mopey

The past few days I’ve been feeling weird.

I think it comes from a bit of stress over the weekend. It’s not even a lot of real things, I just have a horrible tendancy to blow things out of proportion in my mind and freak out about them[1]. Usually I can go through some meditation and relaxation techniques and make my brain feel better, but I just had so many things on my mind this weekend that *something* would creep back into my mind each time I started feeling a bit more clear-headed.

Luckily everything that was on my mind has been resolved in positive ways!

So I should feel better now.

But I don’t.

Perhaps I need cake.

[1] This is a problem I’ve been dealing with for years. I’m much better than I used to be. In high school I didn’t know good meditation and relaxation techniques so I’d let everything build up until I’d break down in an exhausted mess. Now I’m able to control most of my worries, unless there are too many.