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R2Q5 and MythTV

My salad was definitely not enough for lunch, I’m still hungry, it’s going to be a long afternoon. At least this time I carried the dressing separate so it didn’t get all soggy.

I got quite a bit of computer time this weekend, so much that I had to consult my “To Do” list to find something to occupy my Sunday afternoon.

I decided to work on R2Q5.

As I’ve mentioned in this entry I was having trouble with R2Q5 locking up. It looked like a RAM problem, and after mentioning it to Michael he said that he had the same problem when he had tried to install Windows on it. Definitely a RAM problem.

So I finally got around to debugging that. I opened it up and took out the ram chips to see if something was obviously wrong with any of them. There wasn’t, but one was not as tall as the other two, so I took that one out. That motherboard has always been weird about ram that isn’t completely identical, even if they are all 128MB chips, maybe one is pc100 and the other is pc133 and it gets all cranky.

After removing the chip I booted up and did some updates and played around for a couple hours using as much ram as possible, which was not hard, it’s only got 256 now. I then left it on while I went downstairs to watch a movie. It was still running when I went to bed. When I woke up this morning I checked on it and it’s still up. No freezing in over 12 hours, yay! Success!

Now I can really start testing other distros without worrying about hardware issues.

Which reminds me, I want a tv capture card now. We were over at ‘s place on Friday and he showed us a new feature on Myth that allows you to speed up recorded shows 1.5 times, cool! It was really smooth, I was impressed, you could watch a show that way if you were willing to pay attention. And the commercial skipping has gotten much better.

Since we had the Myth Box running we decided to watch some shows he had recorded. We missed the pilot of Law and Order: Trial by Jury because I was just too tired to stay up and watch it Thursday night, so we were able to watch it. Not a bad show, and it’s the show that Jerry Orbach was working on before he passed away. He looked really old, it was a bit sad to see, since he looked fine at the end of his last season on the original Law and Order.

So even if I don’t have cable to record a ton of shows, I could at least record Law and Order, The West Wing, and Nova. And I’d like a DVD-rom for our Myth box, the PS2 really is a horrible DVD player (as we were reminded ONCE AGAIN last night when the stupid thing wouldn’t finish playing the Harry Potter DVD!).

And now it’s time to get back to work.