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Steak, rss2email and books

Last night I made steak. Yeah, I said I was going to cut it out of my diet again but apparently that isn’t going so well. As usual I made up a mustard sauce for the steaks (1/4 c. mustard, usually dijon, 2 teaspoons rosemary, 1 teaspoon pepper, 2 cloves garlic) but this time I used the newly discovered Sierra Nevada Pale Ale & Honey Spice Mustard. Yep, they make a mustard! And it contains their pale ale.

Sierra Mustard

It’s a bit sweet as far as mustards go, even for honey mustard, but it was delicious on the steak last night. During and after dinner we watched some more of the MST3K that we got from . It was a nice, quiet, computerless evening and we went to bed early.

Shouldn’t have gone to bed early, I slept horribly and woke up at 4 am, 4:30, then 5:15, then finally got out of bed around 5:30. This gave me some time to play around with rss2email. You obviously need to run it on a computer that has a mailserver that can talk to the outside world, no problem for me. I set it up per the instructions, it was pretty simple, and pointed it at my gmail account (since that’s the one I can access from work). I opened up rss2email.py and edited the subject line so that it includes [rss2email] in every mail to make filtering easy. I set up gmail to filter everything with [rss2email] in the subject line and drop it in it’s own folder. I then set the script to run at midnight and noon every day.

I was so excited when I started my lunch break at 1pm this afternoon and had new mail in my gmail rss2email box %)

This is a pretty cool solution, but I’ll still be poking around at my other options. Planet looks cool if I want to spend the time to set it up, and I really haven’t explored bloglines enough to say if I like it or not. In any event, this will help me keep up with all these RSS feeds, I’m afraid I’ve been terrible with everything outside of livejournal lately (sorry everyone!).

Reading… I picked up a few books while at the library last week. The book version of islam-guide.com, which was interesting to read. Also got Breaking The DaVinci Code: Answers To The Questions Everyone’s Asking, which would have been much more interesting if summarized as “In reality Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute, and women did have more power in the Christian church than in most parts of life back then, and that evidence is still in the Bible, but everything else Brown wrote was silly.” I picked up Who Needs God by Harold Kushner, which interested me because I’m fascinated by smart people who follow organized religion, I started reading it this morning and it’s great so far. We’ll have to see where it goes.

But right now I have to go back to work.