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The past few days have been beautiful. Weather in the 70s, low humidity, and a nice breeze. Being stuck inside all day is torture, so I’ve been spending most of my lunch breaks walking through downtown Lansdale.

Downtown Lansdale is a sad place. It has the potential to be a really nice downtown area (and probably once was) but today there are a lot of “For Lease” signs around, cheap stores (Checks cashed! Cigs at state min!) and discarded 7-11 cups. Between the empty buildings and thrift stores there are a few cute shops that I’ve ventured in to, but there aren’t many. Maybe before my next adventure through Lansdale I’ll fire up Google Maps and see if I can find anything interesting around here.

Crappy downtown atmosphere aside, the walks are nice. I love this time of year, my allergies haven’t started acting up yet, the weather is not too hot, and I just a 30 minute walk makes my body feel so good following my lazy winter of chocolate and beer indulging.

But now I’m back in my cubicle, and the only breeze I feel is from the air conditioner *sigh*