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Steamed clams, soy milk and bread

Boy I was in a crankie mood yesterday.

Mondays are yucky. Spring Mondays after the clocks change are yuckier. Plus, it was beautiful outside and I was stuck indoors doing work, I want to move my desk to the parking lot.

When the work day was over and Michael picked me up I got into a better mood. We did a big grocery shopping run and bought a lot of interesting things, including a bag of 50 clams to steam. Michael discovered recently that our Black & Decker Flavor Scenter Steamer Plus can steam clams! I love this steamer, everyone should have one. It makes rice, veggies, and clams! And it’s only $30, we’ve had ours for over a year now using it at least twice a week.

I recently decided that I really do need to limit my dairy intake. I’ve known my stomach was sensitive to it for years, but I love cheese and milk, so I didn’t fully want to admit it to myself. I figure I can deal with limiting my dairy intake, even if I can’t eliminated it entirely (and I can’t, a life without cheese would be sad). The first step was looking for a milk replacement. Last week we tried some Lactaid, but that stuff sucks. suggested I try 8th Continent Soy Milk, so I picked some up while at the store. I wasn’t expecting it to be good, I’ve tried soy milk in the past, but I was pleasantly surprised! It’s pretty good! Not milk exactly, definitely doesn’t have the thick body of milk, but I can tolerate this.

Because of my lessened dairy intake decision I can’t have bagels and cream cheese in the morning either. So I picked up some bread mixes and bread pans and decided to try some out. This past weekend I also got a bread cookbook so I hope to start making my own as well. We’re also seriously considering getting a bread maker, I’ve heard great things about them.

We didn’t finish grocery shopping until almost 7. Got home and made dinner. I made the Deviled Steaks and Michael got to work on the steamed clams. We were able to settle down for dinner by 8:15, and what a delicious meal it was! The steamer did a great job with those clams.

Yum. I should have taken pictures, but I couldn’t wait to eat those clams.

After dinner I cleaned up and made up one of the bread mixes, cranberry and orange bread. As soon as that was in the oven around 9pm I crashed in front of the TV to watch some MST3K with Michael. I’ll need to play around with the heat of my old oven when making bread, the bottom was darker than I’d like, the middle was perfect, and the top was a bit light. Tastes good though, I had some for breakfast this morning.