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Stomach problem “diagnosis” and today

These past few days have not been so good.

On Thursday morning I was sitting at my desk at work and started getting sharp pains in my stomach, I thought they’d just pass as they usually do with my stomach problems, but they didn’t. At 11 I called Michael to pick me up, which sucked for him since he had to leave work to bring me home. I got home, made an appointment to see the doctor at 7:15 that evening, and tried to sit on the couch and watch some movies. About halfway through the first movie I went to bed, my stomach hurt too much to be sitting on the couch. Ugh. Funny thing is that I hadn’t eaten dairy or meat in the previous couple days, I couldn’t find anything in my diet that should have caused such stomach upset.

So I went to the doctor that evening. Advil had helped most of the pain subside, and I was able to talk to the doctor about my stomach problems. He said I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and put me on Bentyl, which I need to take 3 times a day, yuck. I still wasn’t feeling good on Friday and called out of work, sigh. At least I felt well enough to sit on the couch and watch movies, but man my stomach was hurting. It was feeling better by about 3 in the afternoon, but still not good enough to meet our friends for movie night.

Today I’m feeling better, and I’m glad I finally went to the doctor about my stomach aches. Hopefully this medication will help.

We’re planning on going to a Green Lane Park this afternoon to do some walking on the trails and things. Then this evening we’ll be going to Celebration Fireworks’ annual demonstration day with some friends. It should be a fun day. And it’s beautiful out, for the 8th straight day, no rain, no clouds, just sunny, warm weather.