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The headache (and pancakes)

Yesterday was another nice day, but today was not.

Sunday morning I made some vegan blueberry pancakes (never intended to go vegan, the recipe was just easy and I thought I’d try it) and Morningstar Farm sausages (which are vegetarian, but not vegan).

The pancakes weren’t bad, but were pretty thick, the recipe was from here

1 c Whole wheat flour (I didn’t have whole wheat flour, I used white)
1 t Baking powder
1/4 t Salt
1/4 t Baking soda
1 T Sugar if blueberries are unsweetened
1/2 c Soymilk or rice milk (I used soy milk)
1/2 c Canned blueberries w/juice (I used thawed frozen bluberries w/ juice)

Mix the dry ingredients togther; then mix in the soymilk and the blueberries. If the batter is too thick, mix in more blueberry juice until it is the right consistency. Cook in a nonstick pan until they look edible. They will be very blue!

I didn’t have extra blueberry juice, so I just added a little more soy milk to get it to a thinner consistancy.

The recipe says it will make 6 pancakes, but for me it only made 5 (using 1/4 cup scoops), but this is still a decent breakfast for two. I topped the vegan pancakes with vegan “Soy Garden” butter-like spread and syrup.

pancake breakfast

I spent nearly 4 hours in the flower garden doing weeding, and managed to get a little sunburned on my face and arms, oops.

I spent some time in the afternoon working on wallaceandgromit.net and catching up on email. In the evening we had dinner and watched a few more episodes of Carnivale.

Around 10pm I started getting a headache, took some Advil and went to bed.

I woke up this morning at 3:38, got out of bed to go to the bathroom and my head was spinning. I took a few more Advils and went to bed.

At 6:18 I my head was still killing me, I got out of bed and called out sick to work. I took a few more Advil and went back to bed.

At 9:30 I woke up feeling slightly better and hungry so I ate some banana bread and watched a couple episodes of Gummi Bears.

By 10 I was feeling yucky again and went back to bed.

Michael shut the bedroom door before he left to go into work for a couple hours, and I slept the rest of the morning away.

Around 1:30 I crawled out of bed feeling mostly better. I ate some lunch and took some more advil to make the remaining bit of my headache go away.

It seems to be gone now, but man, I haven’t had one of those in a long time.