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And so it ends. Some spoilers.

The midnight showing was fun, I brought my stuffed animal ewok. There were people dressed up, people with lightsabers, and as always at midnight showings, cheering and clapping at appropriate times in the film, and that really adds to the excitement. You’re in a theater packed with 300 other people who are just as pumped as you are.

And now my ticket collection for all three midnight showings is complete!

But of the movie itself? It’s difficult to explain without giving away some things, read further at your own risk!

R2D2 rocks, but I was annoyed with him flying in the first place, some of the things he did in this film were amusing, but absurd.

Jar Jar Binks walked through a few scenes, but wasn’t a player in the film, yay!

C3PO didn’t have nearly enough camera time.

The way Darth Sidious gets his scarring is lame.

General Grievous was cool.

The way Anakin gets hurt and must take on the familiar Darth Vader suit was cool.

Still no chemistry between Anakin and Padme, which made their split all too predictable and dull.

Yay Chewbacca!

What about Leia’s memories of her mother? Grr.

They concentrated too hard on linking 3 with 4, there were lots of “ooh so that’s how/why!” moments, but I’m not sure how good the movie will feel on subsequent viewings, I think it’ll get old.

I’m so sick of mediocre CG fighting/action scenes.

Ewan McGregor still makes an awsome Obi-Wan.

They touched a nerve with the killing of the Jedi, some of those scenes were pretty hard to take.

As a whole it was better than the other two prequels, but still can’t touch the original trilogy.