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Hitchhikers review and Star Wars!

Friday night was movie night. Since Michael had other plans I invited everyone over to our house for the evening, Baerana, b2s and mj ended up coming over. We had pizza, peach lambic, and watched the last season of Coupling. It was a good night.

Yesterday morning I got up and went out to work on the yard in the late morning. Weeded the gardens, planted my herb garden, trimmed back some of the bushes that had overgrown. Michael got out the lawn mower, changed the oil and mowed the lawn. By the afternoon we were both pretty tired. I took a shower and sat down to read for a while.

Around 3 we got ready to head to Unos, where we were meeting Bob, Baerana, b2s and mj for an early dinner. Afterwards we headed over to the Warrington Crossing Regal to go see The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Yay! We got in for the 6:10 showing.

It started out great. Martin Freeman made a perfect Arthur Dent, Mos Def made a great Ford Prefect. I’m delighted that they used puppets for the Vogons, there has been too much bad CG lately. I didn’t like Zooey Deschanel for Trillian at first, but she grew on me as the movie went on. And I think Sam Rockwell played an appropiately annoying Zaphod Beeblebrox, but I hated how they did his second head. It was great that they got Peter Jones back to do the voice of the book (he was the voice in the radio show as well). And Marvin didn’t disappoint, he was perfect. There were a lot of parts I really enjoyed, one being the world construction plant scene, it was dazzling,he intro was good too. And a mini light saber that cut bread into toast, hahaha! Excellent.

But enough the little things, what did I think of it as a whole? I knew going into it that it wouldn’t be true to the story, so I won’t hold that against it. But it was bit too Americanized, once again a studio aims for a US audience even when the story is fundamentally British. Sigh. And the Trillian and Arthur romance becoming a central theme, what’s that all about? Why do they ALWAYS need to have some sort of romantic tension in a story? That one scene where Trillian was in the shower was completely useless! I groaned! But it could have been much worse. When it’s all said and done I approve, it did justice to the HHG legacy. I think Douglas Adams would be proud.

While we were at the theater we also picked up our Episode 3 tickets:

Episode 3 Tickets

I tried to get our friends to all agree on one theater, but no one responded so I made the executive decision to go to Warrington Crossing, which is where we also saw Episode 2. Bob bought a ticket too, so even if everyone else decides to go elsewhere we’ll have Bob with us, and that’s fine %) Yay Star Wars! I took May 19th off so I don’t need to worry about going into work after seeing it, that wouldn’t be any fun.