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Rubber stamp – 1, Lyz – 0

My batch number stamp was getting dry, so I asked the woman in the cubicle next to mine if she knew how to refill it. She showed me were to turn the screw on the side of it and gave me the tiny bottle of black ink that is used to refill it. She warned me that it might drip, so I should have some paper towels ready.

I started filling it up, kept putting drops in, how many drops fill up this thing anyway? More drops.

Oh no! It’s leaking out the other side.

It was a mess. I’m glad I had that pile of paper towels.

By the end of it I had three people in my cube all making useless comments “that’s not supposed to happen” “I think it’s broken” “Mine’s never done that.” Gah!

I washed my hands for 10 minutes, but I still have a purple shadow of ink on most of my fingertips, arg.

I’m so glad it’s friday.

And I’m glad I took the whole day off yesterday. I was able to get some cleaning done, finally paint a spackled patch in the TV room, read for a bit, catch up on emails, chat a bit. It was all very relaxing.

I don’t have plans for the weekend, Michael has to go into work to run some wires on Saturday and/or Sunday %\ I don’t even have plans for this evening, we usually have movie night but AFAIK no one has piped up and said anything about it this week. Maybe I’ll hunt down someone with a copy of episode 1 and hang out on my couch all day Saturday watching all the Star Wars %)